Hey Blog Buddies!
I have been so busy lately that I have neglected my blog posting! Just wanted to say thanks for praying faithfully! I had my last chemo treatment yesterday...can you believe it?! I have one more tough week to get through and then I'm home free! Radiation is next, but I hear that's a breeze after going through chemo. My hair is already starting to grow back...that's a good sign!
Many of you have been praying for our GLO Conference that we had for the women of our church and community and it was fabulous. The week leading up to GLO was also my typically rough week after treatment and I had some concerns about getting through all the preparations and then being well enough to actually attend. But God came through and answered all of your sweet prayers beautifully! It was a crazy, jam-packed week and I made it! I had the privilege of sharing my recent journey with our ladies and it was such an honor to meet some of the girls that are going through the same thing. We spoke to our girls about glorifying God or "GLO-ing" in their everyday lives...even when it seems like they are facing what seems like insurmountable "limitations". God can use every situation and circumstance for His glory and I know that full well!
I've posted some pictures of our conference for you to see the way God answered our prayers. When I was first diagnosed in October, my first petition was that I would be able to complete the task that God had set before me...and then be there to participate in it. God was faithful and I never missed a moment, but I couldn't have done it without the amazing JANES leadership team & volunteers...& the ever supportive BAF staff... AND the faithful prayers that went up on my behalf. Thank you sweet friends!
Love you all!